A new poll informs us that improving the energy efficiency of your home makes it a lot more attractive to potential buyers,

White uPVC vertical sliding window interior view

The research was took out by the Nationwide Building Society and found that since 1996 the number of owner-occupied A-D energy rated homes had surged from 20 per cent to 70 per cent.

It said that in around the same time, the amount of houses with double-glazing had gone from 30 to 81 per cent.

Gary Warby, Managing Director Premier Windows, said: “The Nationwide study shows us just how important home energy efficiency is, particularly if you’re selling your home. If your property isn’t energy efficient it’s going to be barrier at the point at which you want to move on.

“What’s also interesting is that according to Nationwide in the last 20 years a high proportion of homeowners have also in double-glazing.

“This is great but we would also add that the energy performance of a generation of products, installed getting on for two decades ago, won’t deliver anywhere near the energy efficiency levels of contemporary double and triple –glazed windows.

“This could mean that although their old PVC windows may still look in good shape, homeowners aren’t achieving far bigger energy efficiency savings.”

Figures published by the Energy Saving Trust say old single-glazed and even older double-glazed windows loose 25 per cent of heat in a home. It is said that new windows can help energy savings by up to 75 per cent.

In a detached three-bedroom home, according to the Energy Saving Trust, this can equate to an annual saving over and above single – and in many cases, older double-glazed windows – of up to £160 a year in heating bills. The annual savings could be even higher where triple-glazed units are installed.

Premier, offers a large variety of energy efficient double-glazed and triple-glazed windows and doors. This includes thermally efficient 1.2W/m².K (the measure of heat loss) or Window Energy Rated A+ rated double-glazed windows and ultra-energy efficient triple-glazed windows, which will achieve U-values as low as 0.8W/m².K – that’s a Scandinavian ‘Passivhaus’ standard.

Gary, said: “Energy efficiency isn’t just about selling houses. First and foremost, it’s about making them a nicer enviroment to stay in.

“But with rising energy prices and increasingly discerning house-buyers, improving the energy efficiency of your home will help it sell. Why not also benefit from the efficiencies low maintenance and energy efficient PVC windows deliver until you move?”

For more information, please don’t hesitate to email us on enquiries@premwindowsanddoors.co.uk or call a member of our team on 0800 854 353.